2023 |
Handbuch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration – 2., aktualisierte Auflage |
Road to Net Zero – Strategic Pathways for Sustainability-Driven Business Transformation |
2022 |
Optical Polymer Waveguides – From the Design to the Final 3D-Opto Mechatronic Device |
2021 |
Simulation in Produktion und Logistik |
2020 |
The Future of Harness Development and Manufacturing |
2019 |
Handbuch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration |
2018 |
Tagungsband des 3. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter |
2017 |
Tagungsband des 2. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter |
Energy Efficiency in Sustainable Production Vol II |
2016 |
Smarter Services 2016 |
Tagungsband zum 1. E|Home-Symposium 2016 |
Tagungsband zum 3. Green Factory Bavaria Kolloquium 2016 |
2016 12th International Congress Molded Interconnect Devices (MID) |
Wireless charging technology and the future of electric transportation |
Entwicklung einer Methodik zur ressourcenorientierten Steuerung der Werksprozesse in der Kalksandstein-Industrie: ‘KS-Sim’ |
2015 |
Tagungsband zum 2. Green Factory Bavaria Kolloquium 2015 |
Energy Efficiency in Strategy of Sustainable Production |
5th International Electric Drives Production Conference |
An Exergy-Based Analysis of Temperature Profiles for an Over-Pressure Reflow Oven Technology |
11th international congress molded interconnect devices |
2014 |
WGP Congress 2014 |
11th International Congress Molded Interconnect Devices |
11th International Congress Molded Interconnect Devices |
11th International Congress Molded Interconnect Devices |
Green Factory Bavaria Colloquium 2014 |
4th International Electric Drives Production Conference |
2013 |
Räumliche elektronische Baugruppen (3D-MID) |
Robotergestützte Montage von Wicklungen „RobStatMont“ |
WGP Congress 2013 – Progress in Production Engineering |
3D-MID-Anwendungen: Gestaltung – Fertigung – Zuverlässigkeit |
3rd International Electric Drives Production Conference |
Fachworkshop Elektromaschinenbau – Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Wickeltechnik |
2012 |
10th International Congress Molded Interconnect Devices |
2nd International Electric Drives Production Conference |
2011 |
1st International Electric Drives Production Conference |
Kontaktierungsverfahren und Prozesstechnik für Ultra Fine-Pitch-Baugruppen |
Herausforderungen und Lösungen für die Montage optischer Komponenten in der SMT-Fertigung |
2010 |
9. Internationaler Kongress Molded Interconnect Devices |
Integrierte Entwicklung neuer Produkt- und Produktionstechnologien für räumliche spritzgegossene Schaltungsträger (3D MID) |